A Message To All Shopaholics And Fast Fashion Lovers

Dear people who still have a "cheap" mindset and by cheap I mean quantity-over-quality, you need to change the way you are thinking. Now! And here is why.

Fashion speaks, but trash doesn't.

Do you know the fashion industry generates more greenhouse gases than all international flights and maritime shipping combined? The fashion industry produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Textile dyeing is the second-largest polluter of water globally (after agriculture) and 2,000 gallons of water was used to make just a typical pair of jeans, according to UN Environment, because vibrant colors, prints, and fabric finishes are often achieved with toxic chemicals.

Despite how commonly polyester was used for fashion, polyester clothes shed microfibres when washed in the washing machines and those microfibres will end up in our oceans. And now you might think "well, how about cotton?" Yeah, cotton is not better, either. Cotton growing requires high levels of water and pesticides to prevent crop failure.

Basic essentials people wish they had

Last but not least, fast fashion encourages people to buy more and more. It produces 92 million tons of solid waste dumped in landfills each year. Even though fast fashion retailers said they were trying to do something about sustainability and have some initiatives focused on reducing negative impacts on the environment, there is still a fundamental problem with the fast fashion business model where revenues are based on selling more products, and therefore, more new collections. More collections mean there will be more waste.

Common fast fashion retailers everyone refuses to know

What we need to do right now is to slow it down.

Retailers: Make better quality clothes, recycle old clothes.
1. Reduce shopping, especially when the clothes are on sale or when it comes to a new season.
2. Mend them when needed.
3. Recycle or upcycle them. If you cannot turn your old t-shirt to anything else you can wear, turn it into your rug or your DIY shopping bag.

a little DIY and ba da bee ba da bum we can reuse it

4. Try to visit secondhand shops first and have a look at their collection: cheaper prices, really cool stuff that nobody has and usually better quality. You do not need expensive thrift items, just keep it casual.
5. And you know what? Support eco-friendly, sustainable brands. They can be a little more expensive now but in the long term, you save a bunch of money because you do not need to buy new stuff every month again since the last one was broken.
6. Why don't you invest in some good essential pieces that last forever and literally go with everything?

A white shirt, jeans sound like a good essential combo to me

We can do this. Stop buying things because it is cheap and looks good. Be a smart customer.
-Savior Village


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