Eco-Friendly Kitchen Tips For Dummies

If you are like me, you probably want things to get done fast and effectively. That is the main reason why plastic is used the most because it is cheap, quick to grab and easy to use. Those are also the reasons people are not completely going for eco-friendly, zero waste lifestyle, not necessarily how people make it more expensive than it needs to be but rather how inefficient it is. So today, I have something to share with you, easy kitchen tips for dummies. Just kidding about the "dummies" part but they are really easy. Trust me.

Eco-friendly kitchen tips

1. Use A Pressure Cooker Or A Kettle
If you want to boil water quickly or cook in an extended period for your meat to be well done, you might need help from a kettle and a pressure cooker. They cook your food much faster and save a ton of energy instead of the traditional ways. Oh hey, your bills might probably be cut down and if your wallet were a human, it would appreciate this tip.

A pressure cooker

2. Put A Lid On To Keep The Heat
Do you know that it takes twice as long to get water to the boiling point without the lid? Now you know, next time you want to boil water or cook delicious home-based meals for your treasured family members, you know what to do!

Keep the lid on

3. Only Fill The Kettle To The Amount Of Water Needed
If you only need 2 cups of water to cook your instant noodles, get 2 cups of water and fill the kettle. Not only are they boiled quicker but they also save energy. Wow okay, this is the third time in a row I say "save energy" in one blog. I need to stop saying this haha. Now you might be thinking, "Mhmmm how about I fill a whole kettle and use the leftover water to drink later?" Yea that is fine, too but your leftover water will probably taste stale if you let them sit outside for too long. However, there is the other way to get safe water and not waste energy on boiling, and that leads us to...

Boil needed water

4. Use Tap Water To Drink Or Filter Your Water

It is important to know that a home water filter will not protect you from water that has been declared unsafe. Neither does boiling contaminated water, mostly depends on the contaminant. Boiling water can kill germs, but things like lead, nitrates, and pesticides are not affected. And since boiling reduces the volume of water, it increases the concentration of those contaminants.

But does me saying this keep you from drinking? No. If you live in an urban city, tap water is safe to drink. And you can always make sure it is safe by filtering the water. Try not to use water bottles because the number of single-use plastic bottles really harm the environment in the long term.

Countries where tap water is safe to use

Also, remember to stay hydrated. Not getting enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause muscle weakness and cramping, a lack of coordination, and an increased risk of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. In fact, water is so important that a person could not last more than five days without it. That is why there are so many memes about staying hydrated and drinking enough water. Ha funny but they also want to help you.

How much water is enough? The Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board recommends that women drink more than 2.6 liters (91 ounces) of water, and men drink more than 3.7 liters (125 ounces) per day.

Stay hydrated, folks!

5. Do Not Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables Before Storing Them

Do not wash vegetables and fruits before storing them, especially in the fridge. Although it is good to wash fruits and vegs to remove dirt and any pesticides sprayed all over them, wet fruits and vegs create moisture which speeds up their decay. We can increase their lifetime, maintain food quality and avoid food waste simply by only washing them before eating or cooking. Easy right?

Wash before eating only

United we live, divided we lose. Keep doing eco-friendly actions and we shall make a difference. I believe in us, Savior Village community. More tips and information on how to save the world are coming up every 3 days. Subscribe to our blog, join the green journey and do not forget to update if you try any of these tips. Much love,
- Savior Village


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